11월 5일 알려드린 Building Permit 신청 준비 과정이 변경되었습니다. 아래의 e-mail을 참고해 주시면 고맙겠습니다.
Dear Mr. Carver and Mr. Eades, 11/15/2007
After our meeting on November 5, 2007, Mr. Eades and I had a phone conversation concerning the building permit application, and I would like to summarize and confirm our current plan as follows:
"At the aforementioned meeting, we agreed to obtain the metal building and concrete foundation drawings by outsourcing the work. But Mr. Eades later found the cost for this to be significantly more than we estimated (now approx. $25,000). Under the current circumstances, we agreed that the best approach would be to apply for the building permit without the two drawings; Mr. Eades mentioned there seems to be some precedent in Albemarle County where similar building permits were given, contingent upon providing the required drawings later days. So, Mr Carver will explore the possibility of submitting the current architectural plan to the County and he will let us know of the outcome."
Please let me know if our plan stated above is not what you thought. We would like to thank you for your time and effort.
In Christ,
Yong I. Kim
Mr. Kim, 11/15/2007
I called Keith Huckstep, Plan Reviewer for Albemarle County and explained that we needed to have the Building Permit application as you described in your e-mail. I left a detailed voice mail but I have not heard from him. I will follow up with an e-mail and copy you as well.
I will be home again this weekend and I will call you then.
Alton L. Carver, AIA
Architects, Planners, Designers
6000 world trade center
101 west main st.
norfolk , va 23510