오늘 Albemarle County는 우리교회가 신청한 Site Plan 수정안 전체를 최종허가 한다고 통보해왔습니다! (아래에 Copy된 County의 담당자 Ellie Ray씨의 서신을 참고하시기 바랍니다). 할렐루야!!
From: Ellie Ray Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 10:56 AM
To: Mike Myers
Subject: RE: SDP201100034 Korean Community Church
For Minor amendments we don’t usually put together a formal approval letter. I modified my last round of comments to say essentially ‘all comments addressed, approval granted’ and have attached that. As luck would have it, I have four clean copies of the plan here I can sign….so I will sign the copies and leave one for you at the front desk sometime this afternoon.
If you need anything additional, just let me know.
Ellie Carter Ray, CLA
Senior Planner
Albemarle County Community Development Department