Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Michelle Simpson씨에게 보낸 편지

오늘 Tom Muncaster씨가 수정된 Site Plan과 함께 Michelle Simpson씨에게 보낸 편지를 여기에 참고로 첨부합니다.


February 18, 2008

Ms. Michelle Simpson, P.E.
Senior Civil Engineer
Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority
Charlottesville, VA 22902

Re: Korean Church

Dear Ms. Simpson:

We have revised the plan as per your January 17, 2008 as follows:

1) We have revised the storm profiles to reflect the depth of cover observed.

2) We cannot change the sanitary sewer easement as the deed of easement does not say it is centered over the sewer line. The recorded document needs to be shown on the site plan.

3) We have removed all light poles, E&S facilities and trees from the easement, except for one light pole which is at the edge of the easement.

4) If we bend the force main 11.25° to the west as you request, the force main will go out of the easement, which I doubt is correct. The actual location of the force main to the west of that point is essentially irrelevant as we are not proposing any construction in that area.

5) Structure 17 is outside the easement and only a corner of the inlet of structure 4 is within 10’ of the force main. The actual manhole part of structure 4 is more than 10’ away.

6) The State Waterworks Regulations require 50’ separation between the well and force main and that is provided.

7) The 5:1 slope requested will greatly increase the necessary grading and carry the fill all the way to the property line.

We have tried very hard to accommodate your concerns. Please call if you have any questions.


W. Thomas Muncaster, Jr., P.E.


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