Friday, May 9, 2008

교회 건축 진행 상황

Dominion Development Resources 회사는 저희교회 최종 Site Plan을 수정하고 허가받는 일을 맡은 새로운 책임자로 Senior Project Manager인 Todd Philipp씨를 선정했습니다. Philipp씨는 지난 4월 25일 Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority의 Senior Civil Engineer인 Michelle Simpson씨와 직접 만나 상담한 결과, Simpson씨가 승인 할수있는 수정 Site Plan을 작성하는데 합의를 보았다고 전해왔습니다 (하기의 Todd Philipp씨 e-mail을 참고하시기 바랍니다). 새로 수정될 Site Plan은 공사비용을 줄이는 이점도 있다고 합니다. Philipp씨는 다음주내로 수정된 Site Plan을 Simpson씨와 Albemarle County에 동시에 제출하여 Signed Site Plan을 받는 기일을 최소한 줄일 계획입니다.

앞으로의 모든 최종 Site Plan 승인과정들이 하나님의 은혜가운데 순조로히 진행되도록 계속 기도해주시기 바랍니다.

Date: 2008/4/29
Subject: RE: Korean Community Church

Dr. Kim,

I met with Michelle Simpson on Friday. I think we have worked out a solution that will enable her to approve the plans. Unfortunately, this solution will require some re-design of the storm sewer piping on the project in order to obtain additional spacing between the pipes and the sewer main underground. This may affect the County approval of the drainage design and require another submittal for review of the storm drainage changes. This would mean another 45 days before approvals could be finalized. A benefit of the new design will be that it may make construction of your project a bit easier and less costly.

I apologize for not knowing the answer to this since I am new to the project, but do you have a construction timetable that you are trying to work toward?

The good news is that we know what is required to obtain approval, the bad news is the additional time that it will take. Please respond with your thoughts on the matter.

Thank you,

Todd Philipp, P.E.

Senior Project Manager

Dominion Development Resources, LLC
172 South Pantops Drive

, VA 22911


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