Saturday, March 1, 2014

최종 Inspection 결과 보고

어제 저희 교회 입주허가를 위한 최종 Inspection 결과를 University of Virginia Manager들과 외부공사를 맡은 Parham Construction 담당자들, CAM President, Cynthia Finley 그리고  CAM 상환 Loan 신청한 SunTrust Bank 담당자들에게 보낸 이메일을 첨부합니다.  조속한 시일 내에 모든 부분을 마쳐서 입당할 수있도록 기도를 쉬지 맙시다.
February 28, 2014

RE: [Korean Church] Update on the status of final inspection                    

Hi All,

Albemarle County inspectors inspected our new Church building last Monday and Wednesday.  Unfortunately we did not pass the inspection.  I would like to summarize below the items the inspectors asked us to modify or install:

1.  Plumbing:  Should use open front seats for toilets;  No hot water heater turned on;  Caulking around the urinals and sinks;  Traps underneath the bathroom sink should be wrapped;  Water heater pan is required;  Secure the drainage pipes onto the floor;  Need to secure 3 compartment sink in kitchen;  Check with Health Department whether the church kitchen requires "Food Prep" sinks or not;  plus a couple of more minor items.

2.  Mechanical (HVAC etc.):  Use insulation on the pipes from the outside heat pumps;  Testing of the smoke detectors (the inspector will bring the magnetic testing device to complete his test).

3.  Electrical:  Install the emergency lighting system (16 lights at different locations inside the church building); Install one additional outlet in the utility room.

4.  Building/Structure:  Brick weep holes covered by grade;  Correct the step out of an exterior double-door downstairs (should be the same level as the inside floor with no step down);  Change to lever handles for the two metal fire doors;  Install new handrail on the left side of the stairs to the mezzanine area; plus a couple of more minor items.

As you may agree, the modifications, corrections or even new installation of the items as listed above do not represent any major construction work and indeed they are relatively minor.  I have informed our subcontractors about the inspection result and they have already begun working on them this week.  At this point, however, it's difficult for me to estimate when the work will be completed and re-inspection done.  But I will keep you posted on any progress and update you as necessary.

Regarding the inspection on the outside facilities plus zoning, Lisa Green, who is the zoning inspector of  Albemarle County, called me on Monday and requested Parham Construction staff to meet with her to go over the exterior construction.  I consulted with David Coon about this and he will oversee this inspection process.

Thank you very much!  Have a great weekend!

Yong Kim

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